Posted by S. Bear on October 03, 2000 at 17:22:42:
In Reply to: USED OIL/ DANGERIOUS posted by M. MURRAY on October 03, 2000 at 14:10:09:
In years past, electrical tranformers were filled with cooling oils which contained PCBs. These compounds, when burned, presented a huge health risk to the fire service, However , this risk was primarily from the inhalation of PCB laden smoke and other by-products of combustion.
Motor oil contains no such compound (PCB). This is not to say that it presents no health issue when burned, however it in no way approaches the carcinogenic effect of old transformer oil.
For the record, all new installations of transformers do not present the PCB threat. They are generally filled with nothing more than simple (believe it or not) vegatable oil. However, the old units should still be given due regard, such as the decontamination procedures Gordon's dad referred to...
So, feel free to change your own oil. Wear plastic gloves if you prefer. But relax, the PCB threat does not exist in simple motor oil...