Posted by M. MURRAY on October 03, 2000 at 14:10:09:
Used oil contains carcinogens, a substance that tends to produce a cancer.
My father was a New York City Firefighter for 30 years and when they had a transformer fire they hated it.The transformers are cooled with oil which breaks
down and produces carcinogens as one of the by-products. The Firefighters
had to go thru a de-toxification station after they were finished
with the fire. I post this for the number of people who have put posts up stating
they put used motor oil in their oil bath filter (Strained first of course) and pour it on their
winch to keep the rust down.Even changing your oil you should use
some type of plastic throw away glove,as carcinogens can also be absorbed thru your skin! Sorry for the long post just info I think everyone should know.