Posted by MikeyStone, idaho on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 at 17:52:16 :
In Reply to: Re: why do you refer to the Service Manager as DICKWEED? posted by Keith in Washington on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 at 16:51:03 :
you are right I am an old fart
you are wrong about where i work and what i do.
I have been doing Autodealership programming for the last 30 years and have done work in
small and large dealerships. I was the Parts and Service director/administrator for Mr. Martin Swig's San Francisco Autocenter
17 franchises in one building, 12 service advisors 50+ technicians, 52 partsmen
I have no idea about the qualifications of
those working in "Autoparts Stores" but
Autodealerships only hire qualified-factory
certified technicans as only factory certified technicans can do warranty repairs
and only if they are certified for the component they are repairing. If the dealer
has a non certified tech do the work they get
charged back for the warranty claim.
and no the system cannot be "kinked" as the
warranty audit includes time card audits.
a good "Dickweed" will have a 6 figure income
nothing not to write home about
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