Posted by Franz on Sunday, March 01, 2009 at 01:23:47 :
In Reply to: Re: frame rivet and bolt question posted by David Sherman on Sunday, March 01, 2009 at 00:35:27 :
Riveted fabrications, including bridge & building frame are taper reamed. Fabrications are reamed on site because if they were reamed and then painted for shipping the paint would need to be cleaned out.
Lapseam boilers are fitted up, reamed and the hot rivet inserted, bucked and hammered down. There is generally a T fitting onthe end of the hose with a reamer on one line and a hammer on the other.
Onsite reaming provides the additional advantage of allowing the rivet gang to quickly adjust misaligned holes, and believe me many holes are misaligned by the fab shop. A reamer looks a lot like an air rachet on steroids.