Posted by terry on Sunday, January 04, 2009 at 13:45:08 :
In Reply to: Re: back to wheels posted by Dana (in Lancaster) on Sunday, January 04, 2009 at 10:21:26 :
Dana: when I bought my rings from VPW they were really tight to get on the rims. I lubed up the tapered egdes with tire soap and then placed a piece of plywood over the ring/ wheel asembly. I carefully jumped on the wood to start the ring at the end that does not have the cutouts for the tire irons. I then slowly pushed on the tire to work the ring around the wheel. The gaps varied on mine as well, due to the wheels being not all the same dimension at the groove area. I measure the wheels at the groove and found them to be out by .080". This groove dimension plus the id size differences in the rings are what give you the gaps. My 4 rings all had about the same gaps 1/8" to 1/4" . I guess there is some leeway in the manufacturing processes.. Terry.