Posted by mike harman on Thursday, December 18, 2008 at 09:56:37 :
In Reply to: So, just because this board needs more to chew on... posted by Steve on Thursday, December 18, 2008 at 02:23:06 :
I will give you this, you have described a diverse Bureaucracy, a combination of: 1. Communisim where the fruits of all labor are dispersed to all people, Those that work and those that won't = Taxes.
2. Socilaisim where the state controlls every out put of private business.
3. Marxisim where we have a totaly classless state.
4. Facisim where a government dictatorship controlls every thing.
5. and finaly true Democracy which is simply mob rule.
reading your post three quotes came to mind.
1. America will now always have the government that it deserves, George Washington.
2. I would far rather live with a dangerous freedom than in a peaceful slavery, Thomas Jefferson
3. Those that sacrifice liberty for security shall have neither, Thomas Jefferson.
The true problems with our country is vetted in the American people themselves. Everyone wants the biggest the best and the newest. It must have all of the bells and whisles and it must wiggle, giggle, and shake. We must have it all or we are not good Americans so we have been told by Madison Ave...And all of it must be free or cheap, it must come right now, and it must come to us with little or no effort on our part.
We must not take any personal responsibility to provide for our selves, nor any blame for our failures, it must always be someone else that caused it or it was the damn Government that caused it.
The programs that you describe to be implemented by bureauracy must be paid for by someone which is the government, remember that we the people are supposed to be the government, and remember also that the bureauracy has no money other than what that they steal from the people.
We must return to what our Forefathers designed for government which is a Republic and reimplement and enforce the 9th & 10th ammendment of the Constitution.
I could continue on here for a very long time but this is neither the forum nor topic that is proper. I will get off of the soap box and let someone else have it.
All of the above is of course IMHO and FWIW
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