Posted by Steve on Thursday, December 18, 2008 at 02:23:06 :
I sent this post to a buddy a month ago regarding how I would fix the situation this country is in.
Please keep in mind that these were just my random thoughts...
If i was running the show, here's what i'd do in no particular order:
Cover most of the southwest with AMERICAN MADE solar panels and wind turbines. (if there aren't any, then I'd set up factories to build them)
Pull back troops from all over the world that aren't actively engaged in conflict.
Halt the unnecessary wars that the military industrial complex is such a big fan of continuing.
Create tax penalties for companies that are manufacturing overseas
Put import tariffs in place that would force wage equalization with 3rd world countries.
Any country that has protectionist policies on their trade (japan) would be prohibited from selling to the US until those policies were lifted or we implemented similar policies at our end.
I'd give every man woman and child $10K to spend as they wish to jump start the economy.
I'd implement a flat tax system with no loopholes. (this would include corporations)
Make lobbyist influence illegal
Eliminate the multiple languages on all of the packaging being sold here - you want to live and work in America, you're going to speak English.
Repair or enhance the electric grid
Earmark big bucks for alternative energy projects
Force the automakers to build small cars that get high mileage.
Provide govt backed financing for new car purchases to help the auto industry.
Somehow index union wages to the health of companies so if the company does poorly, then the worker's wages also drop. Same with executive pay.
Rollback some of the epa rules that are forcing manufacturing to go overseas
Eliminate speculation in the energy markets. This would include oil, electric, coal and natural gas.
Consider nationalizing the oil companies or at the very least, regulate them like utilities. This and the previous idea directly affects National Security, and as such should not be open to speculation.
Cap interest rates for banks at 10%
Nationalize heath care
Take a very hard look at schools and what is needed to improve them.
Evaluate the disintegration of the family unit and formulate policies to turn that trend around.
Return to a gold backed dollar
Pay back the national debt as quickly as possible
Create a federally funded program to establish big park areas in cities that don't have them.
Federally fund mass transit in all major cities
Eliminate the automatic citizenship rule that allows women to come from other countries illegally and have the child and mother naturalized automatically because they dropped their kid here
Cancel the farm aid program that pays farmers NOT to grow crops
Get very aggressive on ethics reform in DC and hammer anyone that is caught with their hand in the lobbyist or big business cookie jar....
Implement election reform (shouldn't cost 1 trillion dollars to become pres)
Add a constitutional amendment that prohibits drilling in national parks or within 30 miles of coastline so future generations have a chance to see pristine wilderness.
Eliminate the epa rules on low voc paints (stupid)
Eliminate the epa and local regs that are forcing manufacturing to go overseas. Establish "sacrificial" areas if necessary for heavy industry. (this is not saying allow trashing of the environment, just trying to strike a balance between green and production)
Establish nationwide recycling program that also manages hazardous waste
Implement hardcore penalties for companies or individuals caught intentionally polluting the environment
Eliminate corporations legally being considered persons with no liability
Implement legal reform that automatically throws out frivolous lawsuits as well as excessive monetary awards.
Cap attorney rates at either a percentage or fixed dollar amount so everyone has access to the courts if they need to
Make top management and boards of private and public companies personally liable for company activities. If the company does something illegal, the company gets shutdown and all top brass go to prison.
Start with these things, and I think you'd see a turnaround in a big way...
Let the flames begin!!!!
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