Posted by Clint Dixon on Friday, August 15, 2008 at 12:47:25 :
In Reply to: Re: Bridge Update posted by Tim Holloway on Thursday, August 14, 2008 at 19:59:43 :
This will not fix your immediate problem, but I have an idea that may work to help avoid the problem occuring again.
You said you have a backhoe. Do you have access to equipment to bore really deep holes for posts, and access to the creek banks upstream? Set some 14-inch or larger I-beams deep in the ground, as posts, upstream a short distance back from the creek banks. Maybe set 3 on each side of the creek, chained together, with the main post deadmaned off of the other two. From these, string 2 heavy steel cables parallel across the creek with lots of slack but not enough for the lower one to touch the water during normal levels. String old tire chains between the two parallel cables forming kind of a horizontal ladder. Provide some way for the whole assembly to float at the upper cable, with the chains hanging into the water during floods.
Something like this may just catch all of the crud floating on top of the water during floods, but would allow the whole "dam" to rise and lower to match the water depth with the water not being held back, but flowing freely underneath.
This may keep the crud from reaching the bridge or at least slow it down and/or release a little at a time instead of large sheets hitting the bridge all at once like they do now.
When the water goes down, you can pick apart the "dam" a little at a time.
Just an idea from a Mechanical Designer. Don't know if it would meet "code". ;^)
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