Posted by MoparNorm on Sunday, March 23, 2008 at 00:08:43 :
In Reply to: Re: biodiesel posted by Todd Wilson on Saturday, March 22, 2008 at 21:28:09 :
For starters, let's get the terminology correct.
Bio-Diesel is petroleum diesel blended with bio-mass, vegetable oil or other bio products. Dodge and Cummins recognize B5 (which is 5% bio and 95% diesel) as covered under warranty. They also cover B20 on fleet vehicles and will soon (as soon as there are national standards) recognize B20 for all users.
Bio-diesel comes in blends of up to B99 and generally is more expensive than diesel, at about 15-20 cents a gallon, more than diesel. If you run B99, clean out your filters as it will flush all the garbage in your tank and fuel lines right into the motor. After a couple filter changes you're good to go.
This is Straight Vegetable Oil. With a few modifications your diesel (which was originally designed to run on peanut oil) will run just fine. It's about $2.95 a gallon and the filters and heat exchangers run about $1700 to start.*
Then there is, Greasel, or P100*;
This is reclaimed oil, mainly from restaurants. Up until a few months ago, many restaurants paid to have the used oil hauled away, now they realize that they can sell it, or give it away in quantity.
Just like SVO, you need a heat exchanger (165 degrees is needed to spray properly through your injectors) and you need serious filter capacity to remove anything larger than 5 microns. Then you just need to change the filters frequently to avoid engine damage and you're all set. Again the kit costs about $1700-$2500 to convert and most folks still run a factory petroleum diesel tank, to warm their rigs up before switching to P100 or SVO.
* Fuel not regulated and dispensed as a highway fuel by a licensed fuel station is subject to Federal and State highway taxes of up to 54 cents a gallon, otherwise you can get a visit from the if you're running P100 or SVO, pay the tax or don't brag about it here....
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