Posted by Chris Case @ San Diego on Monday, February 18, 2008 at 22:50:21 :
In Reply to: Truck still running bad Need help. posted by Chris Becker on Monday, February 18, 2008 at 21:52:01 :
Should be about 95 psi, with all spark plugs removed and the throttle wide open crank until gauge won't go any higher. Usually 5-6 licks.
Bad coils will do that, they behave like it's running lean on hills especially.
But timing sounds waaay late. Get that distributer out and cleaned up so you can adjust the timing. Snap-On used to sell a fork for the end of their big slide hammer just for that. Maybe you can come up with gear puller that will clamp on, and a chain with a weight for the 'slide hammer'? You ant to yank straight out of the hole.
I suppose you might be able to remove the oil pump and pound it out form the other side? Don't bend the dist shaft though, kinda skinny. Maybe a length of 3/4" water pipe bould allow you to drive on the housing- it is just over 1" o.d.
Should be timed at between 2-10 degrees advanced, the '0' mark should be 1/8" to 1/2" towards the passenger side. If what you see is a '0' mark...
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