Hesitation in Throttle Response

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Posted by dave horvath on Sunday, February 10, 2008 at 07:54:16 :

Just installed a freshly rebuilt E7T2 carb on Wendel, my 1954 PW-126. I got the carb on ebay and had VPWs rebuild it. The old carb was leaking gas all over, liklely from float set too high, and had been exposed to some of the rust and crud that was in the old tank.

Anyway, there is a dead spot in the initial throttle response. Whether I move the mechanism by hand or hit the gas pedal, there is a moment where the truck almost stalls out between idle and a healthy throttle response.

When installing the new carb, I adjusted the idle mixture and the idle speed following Gordon Maney's recommendations. Would apprecate any advice.

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