Posted by Kaegi on Tuesday, February 05, 2008 at 20:20:01 :
In Reply to: Re: Marty, they START out BAD & don't give a damn.... posted by Keith in Washington on Tuesday, February 05, 2008 at 13:59:54 :
yes but the drug industry brings millions of them here to make sure that business keeps rolling. no one wants to talk about the drug biz for some reason. myabe because too many people are making a fortune with it. drugs are a multi billion dollar a year business in this country and the amount that comes thru Mexico is unbelievable. The results of that are all bad and far reaching. only a small percentage of illegals are picking fruit. the drug business end of it has been becoming legitimized for decades thru restaurant chains and other laundering systems. The smae way the sicillians used the pizza stores to sell heroin for years making millions. Mexico is a very corrupt place where people have to do what ever to survive, I think they need a revolution.