Posted by Clint Dixon on Wednesday, January 02, 2008 at 12:54:10 :
In Reply to: Chain Restoration posted by Roger in La on Tuesday, January 01, 2008 at 23:22:57 :
I view chains kind of in the same way I view ladders. Neither should be painted. Ladders are left unpainted so one can inspect and see cracks and other danger signs. Same with chains. You don't want a crack or otherwise damaged spot covered up with paint so you can't see it.
The advice lower down about dragging chains in a gravel parking lot is good. This practice will clean off rust buildup. However, gravel is very abrasive and can quickly take off ALL of the rust and then the new bad kind of rust will quickly form on the bright steel. It is better to drag your chains down a dirt road to clean them. This will take off the new grainy rust, but leave a nice clean "old growth" rust patina. Enough of a coverage to keep new grainy rust from forming, but not enough to cover cracks and other problems in the steel.
Grandpa always drug his chains from the tractor drawbar on each trip back from the field to the barn yard.