Posted by Ronald Knapp on Saturday, December 15, 2007 at 19:57:07 :
Brief review: This morning we decided to try and start our wm300 1961 251cid. Last Saturday we poured 1 and 1/2 gallons of diesel fuel down the carb to loosen up the valves because they were stuck. This morning we put a new battery and cranked her over. First we had 4 of six pistons with compression. Then a bnig bang then all cylinders had comnpression. Now our problem is that it trys to start but back fires out the tail pipe and the carbourator. We have played with the distributor and rotor and wires and nothing seems to work. Does anyone have ideas how we can find out how to place the rotor to match up with piston 1 and place our wires accordingly.
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