Posted by Paul (in NY) on Tuesday, December 11, 2007 at 19:59:02 :
I did my required mod on the Cummins oil pan to give differential clearance. On May 5, 2007 I fired her up the first time actually in the Bandit after the mod. Prior to this, the 4BTA was run/proved in my test stand.
The engine started , and ran great, but had a little drip of oil right around the drain plug. The drain plug had been relocated and I figured it was a pin hole in a weld. My plan was to later, sometime, pull the pan and re-weld the drain plug. That sometime stretched into months and the drip continued. I had a can under the drip.
Well, this afternoon, I decided to pull the oil pan and weld the pin hole. I grab my wrench to pull the drain plug to drain the oil......You know the rest !!
I never tightened the drain plug after the mod, it was just run in baby finger tight. Goodness Sakes, tighten the plug and no more drip.
I deserve the '2007 Stupid Award' LOL
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