Posted by Ron in Indiana on Sunday, October 14, 2007 at 19:32:29 :
Some of you know that I bought the 4 PW deal that was on ebay a short while back in PA. I got the 57 running a month ago and today with Pieter's help we got the 50 PW running. We replaced the points and condenser but still had no spark. I remembered from another PW that the stud that passes through the distributor has a tendency to ground out. We made a plactic washer for the inside but it still wouldn't spark. So we pulled the distributor out of the bloack to remove the offending bolt. The small insulating sleeve was worn and evidently causing a short. We used a piece of shrink tubing and a better washer then we had spark. It only took freeing the needle in the carb to get the engine running. It idles very well but I believe it needs a carb overhaul. A question on this carb, it has no air cleaner and the top has a square flange with four bolt holes. Would this mean the truck had a govenor at one time or is something else missing to fit an air cleaner? I'm trying to understand these WDX/WM300's compared to the Power Giants and TW's. We did drive it around the yard a bit without any seat.
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