Posted by Ugg (in Uggville) at IL on Thursday, July 12, 2007 at 08:39:20 :
In Reply to: Just reading....(warning, political) posted by MoparNorm on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 at 18:00:54 :
Least you can do is buy a round of PW Maple for the house with your bonus check. HA! SOCIALIST SCHOMSHILIST! More right wing smoke & mirrors & hogwash.
Come on Nammy, enough of this garbage already. What the heck are ya talking about, socialist? Ain't no G-D $$$$ going to help anybody that really needs help, but to the grubby, fat, greedy politicians (& their family's).
Talk like that just detracts from the truth. The truth bein, We The People are gettin SCREWED! There ain't no sides anymore, they're ALL the freakin same, SCREW the people! Like the words in that old Steppinwolf song "MONSTER", "Our votes are a meaningless joke."
Used to be elections on the national level were outa control, but We The People were still able to get things right on a local level (most times). However, if ya remember your history, the whole reason the Fed got so damn big & powerful was because of all the corruption on the local level.
These freakin politicians (as in MOST of them) seem to live by the credo "If ya can't blind em with brilliance, baffel em with BS." The 60's REALLY freaked out these power brokers.
Not so much in what was done (anti war/government, ect), but in HOW it was done. And that was that so many different groups of people put aside their differences and joined together against a common foe. Come on Nammy, what's the BEST way to defeat an enemy? DIVIDE & CONQUER.
Now I'm SURE your (& others) gonna take this next statement outa context but here goes anyhow. The Black Panthers. When they 1st started up, they were a NON VIOLENT, self help (as in the black community) group.
After a while they went & got themselves a WARLORD. This guy went on & convinced them to get radical & violent. Shoot cops, kill all whiteys, ect. Turns out that guy was a FBI AGENT, planted by none other than J. Edgar (I don't know if he was wearing his dress at the time) hisself (I also don't know how much water or fertilizer he used to do this).
All this rhetoric about SOCIALIST/CAPITALIST is just smoke & mirrors. It's an illusion. It's a simple matter of them in power wanting to stay in power. If ya need to put a blame to anyone, just look in a mirror (as in ALL of us), for allowing this to happen. My only hope is that it ain't to late to fix.
Now, if the Dems choose Hilary, well, IMHO, that's just plain STUPID! With tryin to Blame W. for all the problems we face now, well, that's wrong too. Hell, he's just a figurehead. He's to damn stupid to be in charge. The REAL power in the White House just got his funds stopped, and don't go hunting with the guy. ;>)
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