Posted by David Sherman on Friday, March 30, 2007 at 18:02:21 :
In Reply to: Vacuum wiper motor 101 posted by Todd Wilson on Friday, March 30, 2007 at 17:36:47 :
The problem is usually that the air leaks past the flapper "piston". I have had temporary luck by taking them apart, cleaning them out, and reassembling them with generous amounts of various kinds of grease, but they usually get weak again before too long. I suspect that any normal chassis grease, vaseline, etc is too thin, or gets too thin when it gets hot, whereas something like cosmoline is too thick. There's probably a proper vacuum wiper grease that one should use on them. Maybe somebody else knows what it is, or maybe one could just try a very thick wide-temperature-range grease. They definitely need the grease to provide a good seal inside. Leaky vacuum wipers don't just fail to wipe. They also act like even more of a vacuum leak on the engine and make it idle rough.