Posted by Todd Wilson on Monday, December 25, 2006 at 00:59:17 :
In Reply to: Car trouble in Florida, advice needed! posted by Tim Holloway on Sunday, December 24, 2006 at 23:14:09 :
Found this on the net. Food for thought.
Question: 1998 Dodge Caravan engine, 95,000 miles. I am getting trouble code 15 which is the transmission control module relay failure. The transmission seems to bog down when accelerating, then eventually picks up and behaves normally. Also lost the speedometer about the same time. I purchased a new transmission control module relay from the Dodge dealer, but can't find the relay under my hood. The shop manual refers to it but does not locate it on any diagram I have found. The service manager and mechanic at the Dodge dealer were equally perplexed when they tried to locate the relay for me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Answer: Code 15 for your make and model indicates a failed vehicle speed sensor. This would account for your speedometer and your transmission not working properly. Replacing it should fix your problem.
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