Posted by David Sherman on Sunday, December 17, 2006 at 04:56:42 :
In Reply to: Re: "Fire wood for sale" posted by apb (in NY) on Saturday, December 16, 2006 at 21:18:36 :
I've been driving around and I see lots of dead trees blown over and lots of dead branches blown off of big live trees. Dead limbs make especially good fuel because they're much more dense than the trunk wood. Not only that but lots of trashed fences, sheds, and such that could be used for fire wood. As for burning green wood, there's a huge difference in the burnability of different species. Green alder or maple are mighty hard to burn and will gunk up the chimney and stink up the neighborhood, but the heartwood of most conifers is reasonably dry, and some, like doug fir, are burnable in their entirety even if green. Green doug fir's not as good as dry doug fir, but a little dry wood will get it going and if you keep the fire stoked it will burn fine.
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