Posted by Bruce up in muddy floody rainy BC on Sunday, November 26, 2006 at 0:54AM :
While looking for an adapter and bell housing i found a diesel trans for 1200 bucks . It was from a truck that sank . The seller told me he flushed it right away and had filled it with fresh oil - this was 5 years back and the trans had been sitting since . . When I arrived to pick up the trans I decided to look inside . When we flipped the trans a small lake ran out . 100% water no oil .
The oil was a mess inside but i could see nothing but black paste over everything . I talked him down to 800 bucks .. I managed to sell my old trans to another guy for a grand .
So I now have a flywheel , 2 pressure plates . a bell housing , a shifter , a hydrolic clutch and a questionable NV4500 for 600 bucks .
I pulled the tailhousing off tonite and wiped everything clean . The black film is on everything but it cleans right up . The rear syncro is fine and I have no metal stuck on the magnets . So far it looks good .
I need to find someone with a varsol tank and flush the trans .
How clean is the oil in the used ones anyway ? So far the 2 i have been inside have the black coating inside that looks like moly lube to me .
So I now have a tougher trans with a built in tide line . All I am short of is the adapter plate .Bruce
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