Posted by Ken Dunnington on Friday, October 27, 2006 at 12:36PM :
In Reply to: Speaking of weather: (some PW content) posted by apb in the tropical rainforest on Saturday, October 21, 2006 at 0:45AM :
Dr. William Gray, may have not done so well this year but his record still holds him as the best seasonal forecaster of Atlantic hurricanes.
He is also in opposition to the theory of human caused global warming.
Here's a link to an article in the local weekly newspaper(Fort Collins Weekly) that has a bit about him.
Here's some snippets:
- Gray turns 77 this week. His credentials and experienced study have made him a magnet for such publicity. The professor emeritus is commonly considered the father of hurricane forecasting as the 23-year lead author of the Atlantic basin seasonal hurricane forecast, a more than 50-year professor of atmospheric science and the head of CSU’s Tropical Meteorology Project. More recently, Gray’s opposition to the theory of human-induced global warming and “the bogus science and media hype” associated with it have made him a celebrity in the scientific world.
- In a recently released paper, Gray says he has an obligation to openly oppose what he calls rhetoric in Al Gore’s film An Inconvenient Truth and would feel guilty if he didn’t.
- “My main motivation to continue my research is to help maintain the integrity of American science which, in my view, has been badly compromised by the global warming issue and now recently by the issue of global warming causing more frequent and more intense hurricanes,” Grays says in his newly released paper Hurricanes and Climate Change: Assessing the linkages Following the 2006 Season."