Posted by keithmerk on Wednesday, August 23, 2006 at 8:32PM :
If you say Leno last night then you already heard about this.
"The reason behind why Gore is pushing the info about global warming is he has a solution for us also- put Hilary in the white house and she'll cool things off since she's such a cold hearted....... "
I couldn't understand the last word he said the audience was making to much noise. I have a few ideas but would hesitate to use them as I may not be entirly acurate.
Just thought everyone might want to know this to add a little fuel to the fire (no pun intended) about global warming.
PW content Hilary is behind an initive(sp) to make it so that 4x4 trucks and SUVs are not allowed to travel off road. (I don't have the exact number of the bill but I have heard about it since a number of canidates I follow ,from AZ of course, are against the bill as well.) Regardless of if they are on trails or not on trails.
I think that effects us all and our chosen method of recreation. Keep track of what your elected representative vote for or against by going to thier personal web site.
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