Posted by Ugg at IL on Thursday, August 10, 2006 at 6:08AM :
In Reply to: Re: Right to posted by keithmerk on Wednesday, August 09, 2006 at 11:03PM :
Unfortunately, our votes or will doesn't mean a thing anymore. Popular vote (we the people) is often over-ruled by the electorial college (politicians). They want to take our guns because they're scared that one day we may turn them on em (but we really can't anymore).
Jefferson once stated we should remove all the politicians from office every 20 years and replace them with new ones (new government). But like the song went, "Meet the new Boss, he's the same as the old Boss."
I unfortunately was very political in my youth (and much later too). I at one time had hope of a better world. Ain't gonna happen, it's just gonna get worse because we like to pretend we're them big funny lookin birds that stick their heads in the sand when trouble approaches. "I don't want to get involved." "It's not my problem."
We've been invaded, criminals run things. Oh yeah, occasionally some get caught, can we say Ennron? What they did has been and still is going on. It's nothing new. They just screwed up and were caught.
In Illinois, to carry a concealed weapon, you have to have so much paperwork that ya lean to one side (so ya carry it on the opposite side of your weapon to even yourself out).
Cynical in Ceattle.
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