Posted by Ron in Indiana on Monday, April 24, 2006 at 7:47PM :
I was working on my TW yesterday trying to dial in an Edelbrock 1405 carb on top of a Weiand manifold. I rejetted the carb since it was running rich but after I got it up to temperature it becan blowing blue smoke out the valve cover breather. This engine was rebuilt two years and I never noticed this with the stock manifold and 2 barrel. After I turned off it still had smoke exiting the breather. The engine idles and pulls 20+" of vacumn and although it still has a stumble at mid range it seems to run OK. My neighbor and I are stumped as to why I am getting this smoke. I also did a leak down test on the cooling sustem which checked out fine. Any ideas out there aside from putting the 2 barrel back on?
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