Posted by mikey stone Idaho (aka COTM) on Sunday, March 12, 2006 at 10:42AM :
In Reply to: Piston ring grove fit, need some help..... posted by Terry in Bozrah, Conn on Saturday, March 11, 2006 at 11:21PM :
what you describe is ususally caused by carbon in the ring grooves
there is a special tool made to clean all the
there is a special tool for measuring the
ring clearance
if the end clearance is not correct that can
be increased with a little fine file
put the rings in the cylinder & use a feeler
guage to measure the end gap
* source Automotive Mechanics - Crouse 2nd ed
* Automotive Engines - Crouse 2nd ed
both were standard college text books
if you do not have these they appear on ebay
from time to time 1st 2nd or 3rd apply to the
old iron
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