Re: Murthas wrong.

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Posted by MoparNorm on Monday, November 21, 2005 at 10:28AM :

In Reply to: Re: Murthas' RIGHT ! posted by Rob in MN on Sunday, November 20, 2005 at 11:55PM :

Murtha has served his country with distinction and certainly deserves the right to speak out against policy. However he spinelessly voted with the majority in the 403 to 3 vote Friday to keep our troops in Iraq, so he is not immune to the game of politics that he is playing with the lifes of our troops. He more than most should know the aid and confort that he is giving to the terrorist because the entire point of the opposition is to wait us out. We (the American Military) did not lose Vietnam, the American people lost the will to continue and in the process, underminded the morale of our troops. I know because I also served and for the record, our job was not to enjoy or understand the mission, it was to kill the enemy, war is never enjoyable or needs to be understood, it just needs to be won. Just as the people also lost the will and the nerve to continue in Korea, Lebanon, Somalia, etc. The terrorist who are trying to prevent Iraq from becoming a democracy are hoping the same thing happens again.
The folks who want to cut and run are the ones refusing to learn from Vietnam. The lesson of Vietnam is that war is horrific and should be fought only as a last resort, but once committed we should fight strongly, completely and with a resolve to win. We did not choose this war, Extreme Islamist chose us. Do not be so short sighted to think that Iraq is not the key to the war against terror. Anywhere the terorist operate or hide, be it Afganistan, Iraq, Syria, Saudi or Iran will and should be subject to attack and or liberation by American forces until democracy can take root and the root causes of terror can be irradicated. Anything less will mean that we will never be safe from attack, anywhere in this country. The terrorist will not stop trying to kill Americans until either us or them are dead. Killing them there is preferable to killing them here in NY, Virginia and PA. Islamist extremist have been at war with the US since the 1970's but we didn't figure it out until 9-11-01. It did not work to ignore them then, it will not work to ignore them now. Like it or not once you hit the hornets nest, you cannot just walk away. We have hit the nest, now it is time to finish the job.

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