Posted by David Sherman on Tuesday, August 30, 2005 at 2:09AM :
In Reply to: M-37 not starting posted by Bill Burns on Sunday, August 28, 2005 at 5:32PM :
You either have a bad battery (not likely) or something is draining it. It could be anything. If you have no meter or test light or anything like that, at least look for a little spark when you pull either cable off the battery. If there's even a tiny spark, it will run your battery down pretty fast. Likely problems include some aftermarket gadget like a radio or car alarm added on upstream of the ignition switch, or defective or wrong type of mechanical voltage regulator in a generator-type system that's not disconnecting the field when the engine's off. Electrical wiring doesn't normally "leak", so I wouldn't blame old wiring or bad insulation directly. Usually, if the insulation is bad enough to "leak" at all, it's pretty close to a dead short and you'll smell smoke and see sparks. If there's no smoke or sparks, it's probably not leaking enough to matter, even old cotton insulation in the rain. The short story is something is indeed wrong and you'd best find it by the process of elimination -- disconnect each suspected part until you find the source of the drain. No need to waste money "shotgunning" it until you know where the problem is.