Posted by Fred Coldwell on October 18, 1999 at 00:14:32:
In Reply to: It's sad. posted by My name is not important on October 16, 1999 at 18:40:27:
It appears from the long list of hobby clubs you have quit that you have not yet learned how to interact with those people in any hobby who have may have more experience or greater knowledge than you. Your repeated characterization of every hobby as a "fight" between the "know-it-alls" and others suggests part of the problem may arise from your combativeness and misperception of the actions of others. Not every suggestion made by a person with more experience in a hobby is a personal attack upon you. Not every correction of your misunderstanding or sharing of a subtle point is a belittlement of you. Not every description of a nit picked is "hogwash" or intended to make you feel inferior, though from your message that is the perceived outcome in each case and in every club. Your repeated pattern of quitting clubs that involve expertise suggests you haven't yet figured out there is more than one option. You can how to interact with others further along than you in any hobby.
A suggestion to accurately identify the vehicle someone is discussing begins at the most basic and fundamental level of this hobby. A truck is not a rivet. It is difficult to "help each other restore and run our trucks" if one cannot begin with an accurate description of the vehicle in question. Vehicle model designations are not "techno-speak," they are the basic building blocks for any useful conversation.
I hope you can begin to control your rage, gain an identity, and stay around and learn something in this Forum. The knowledge is yours for the asking, but answers you get here will only be as good as the questions you pose. There is little harm in asking confusing questions, but any inability to express youself accurately will shortchange only you. And there's no harm to anyone else in that. None.