Posted by My name is not important on October 16, 1999 at 18:40:27:
I joined a model car club. I quit because it degenerated into fighting because the know-it-alls got too big for their britches and the rest of the group rebelled against their "superior intellect".
I joined a gun club. I quit because it degenerated into fighting because the know-it-alls got too big for their britches and the rest of the group rebelled against their "superior intellect".
I joined a local MVPA club. I quit because it degenerated into fighting because the know-it-alls got too big for their britches and the rest of the group rebelled against their "superior intellect".
I joined a fishing club. I quit because it degenerated into fighting because the know-it-alls got too big for their britches and the rest of the group rebelled against their "superior intellect".
I joined a train club. I quit because it degenerated into fighting because the know-it-alls got too big for their britches and the rest of the group rebelled against their "superior intellect".
I joined a photography club. I quit because it degenerated into fighting because the know-it-alls got too big for their britches and the rest of the group rebelled against their "superior intellect".
It is a shame that there are the self appointed know-it-alls that have to nitpick and belittle others and try to show off how much they know. It leads to those on the receiving end either quitting or rebeling, as is the case here. And it only takes a couple of know-it-alls to ruin it for everyone else. One model airplane club I'm a member at had a coup and voted to revoke the membership of a couple of know-it-alls who were constantly belittling others. No one could make a kit worthy of their intellect. The club was quite enjoyable once they were gone. We called them the rivet counters. No kidding. One guy actually counted all the rivets in the wing of a scratchbuilt airplane and declared it should not have placed 2nd because it was off by 3 rivets in a hundred something. Another measured a large model and said the contour of the fuselage belly was off by 1.5 mm's. Glad they are gone. We have fun now.
Now I see the same hogwash here. The know-it-alls are chastising others for not being technically correct in how they speak. Let's not lose sight of the fact that we are here to help each other restore and run our trucks. Let's not be chastising others because they referred to an M37 as a Powerwagon. So what? What harm is done? None.