Posted by KBishop on Sunday, February 20, 2005 at 8:39AM :
Having trouble with my '92 W250 auto and the TDR website guys are stumped. I know a lot of the guys here are into diesels so I thought I'd ask:
My diesel seems to "starve out" for fuel- but only sometimes. I can't make it happen. Mosttimes on hills, sometimes on the interstate. It just runs out of umph! On hills it will bog down, on the flat at high speeds (80mph)is stumbles. But not all the time!
No fault codes, new filter, several fill ups, different air temps.
Some say the fuel lines are cracked, some say the lift pump is weak, some say the tank filter is clogged. I can't test any of these very easily\ (I don't think).
Any ideas or similar problems out there?
Basically, I can be running fine with boost at 6-8psi and EGT@PT around 600-700F when things just start slowing down and shifting down to almost a fast idle. Boost will drop to 2-4.
Sorry to stray from PWs but I'm stumped and you guys always have another perspective with your wide range of experiences.
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