Posted by Ken Dunnington on Thursday, December 23, 2004 at 10:28AM :
In Reply to: fuel posted by Paul on Wednesday, December 22, 2004 at 6:14PM :
The concensus is that hardened seats are already in place in the 230 and thus the necessity for lead to alleviate exhaust valve seat recession is not there. But I will mention that if you have an engine that you determine needed leaded gasoline for this purpose(vs octane boost), then get the real thing. Get tetraethyl lead and add it yourself. The lead sustitutes are simply inferior to tetraethyl lead in this regard.
I fed leaded fuel for years to my 1958 Pontiac 370 via Stone Oil Company's lead additive, it did double duty for me, protected the exh valves/seats and boosted octane.
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