Posted by chriscase on Wednesday, December 15, 2004 at 8:20PM :
In Reply to: Waking an old engine. posted by Robert N. on Wednesday, December 15, 2004 at 8:01PM :
The first flat fendered Dodge my brother and I bought, the head had been off in the weather for 1 year. We sprayed penetrant on the cyls and valves, hand cranked it, then hammered the valves back down. Repeat until 11 out of 12 valves fell by themnselves, #12 would fall if barely touched. While he bolted the head on, I slipped underneath and pulled the drain plug. When water had run out and oil started to flow, I put the plug back in. It started. Total cost $6 for head gasket (1975). Ran it for 1 year. Then the engine fell apart like the Blues Bros car- circlips fell out as we dissassembled it, valves looked like daisys, wasn't an unbroken ring in it. Junkyard motor got us back on the road, $140. Those were the days...