Posted by dave on September 22, 1999 at 05:50:24:
Anybody out there have any photographic evidence of ww2 1/2 ton
Dodges in use in the ETO??? I have seen photo's of these trucks in use in the PTO. I know that some 1/2 tons made it to North Africa, and have in fact seen film footage of an open cab in use there.. I never seen a closed cab in any pictures
in North Africa, though.... any body?
My question is if the closed cab WC trucks ever made it to Europe
and were in use thru the end of the war. I can imagine that some must have made it from N africa up thru Italy, but I have never seen any photo with one of these trucks in it...
How about any 1/2 tons making the Normandy landing???
How about any pictures of a closed cab at the Battle of the Bulge?
Anybody that can help me??? How about a scanned shot of a closed
cab in any of these places????