Posted by OKMTRPOOL on Wednesday, September 29, 2004 at 2:49PM :
can WC combat wheels be demounted with a tire machine without suffering bending or damage ? ( as with many jeep wheels)
Follow Ups: WC combat wheels - Paul Cook 3:06PM 09/30/2004 the point of combat rims is the bead lock parts - chris case 8:24PM 09/29/2004 Huh? What's the beadlock on a combat rim? - Jonas 10:51PM 09/29/2004 I have one - Keith in Washington 1:04AM 09/30/2004 It's a steel band/ring, any body got a pic to post? - chris case 0:19AM 09/30/2004 Here's a link to the Hummer tires: how to change - chris case 0:30AM 09/30/2004 it was funny watching the tire place try and break down my - cc sammy 9:58AM 09/30/2004 Bad link, here's a better one - chris case 0:36AM 09/30/2004 Thats one great picture - Paul(in NY) 11:34PM 09/29/2004 Re: demounting WC combat wheels - charlie martin 5:19PM 09/29/2004 Re: demounting WC combat wheels - Mark Cutter 0:03AM 09/30/2004
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