Posted by Fred Coldwell on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 at 12:26PM :
In Reply to: Except on this site posted by casebro on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 at 11:22AM :
Not everyone agrees a WC or M-37 is a "Power Wagon", so you're at less than "all". Notwithstanding the name of this web site, WCs and M-37 are not "Power Wagons", never were and never will be. Short frame 98" wheelbase early production Power Wagons were 4X4s, not 6X6s. Interchangeable parts are used industrywide on different model trucks but don't change or morph their identify.
PwrWgnDvr asked a technical question and I gave him a technical answer, not an informal answer. Show me factory documents which call a WC or M-37 a "Power Wagon" and I would consider changing my mind.