Posted by Chris Lube Lublin on Saturday, July 31, 2004 at 11:50AM :
In Reply to: United States of America vs. John Eickhof posted by Russ/Wyo on Friday, July 30, 2004 at 6:54PM :
Even tho John could have 'caved in' and given in to what they wanted and ended this quick, he held strong thru all this time and perservered, and now the Victory! Hats off to you John and to all the others! I say it is time for us to take OUR country back! Let the politicians and the law makers and enforcers know that this is OUR country. A country established on "By the PEOPLE, For the PEOPLE." We pay the taxes for the upkeep on the public land, yet we cant use it??? thats a Crock! So if they took John to court over breaking some twigs on Public Land, then whats next? Will I get thrown in Jail for pruning the pear trees outback? Or for mowing down high weeds?
Excuse me, but I am a little 'hot' regarding government right now. The township is hitting me up for all my junk vehicles around, and making me clean up and get rid of most of them. The bad part is, I have just about all of them hid behind a large grove of pine trees, that cannot be seen from the road......