Posted by Hollywood Lonnie on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 at 2:39PM :
Over the weekend I drove a disabled friend, family, and boat (using his Jeep) to relocate in Washington.
We were on a country road and came up on an accident. Ten cars were pulled over to the side in front of us. Ahead, two vehicles were in a twisted heap as the result of a head on collision. The speed limit was 50mph in that area and it looks like no one hit the brakes. One vehicle was smoking heavily and a guy was running back to us asking for a fire extinguisher (which we did not have). The rescue vehicle did not make it to the scene for a couple of minutes (about the time it took us to get to the wreck). Both vehiles had to be cut apart by the fire department to remove the occupants. One person was DOA (not wearing seat belt) and the other was airlifted in critical condition.
The point is that we all should be carrying fire extingushers in our vehicles not only for our 50 year old trucks, but for the unknown circumstances that often occur to other people. I have an extingusher in my PW but have never thought to carry one in the other vehicles. I will now.
Best Wishes
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