Posted by MoparNorm on Thursday, July 01, 2004 at 11:28PM :
In Reply to: sand blasting equipment advice please posted by Jim/Cincinnati on Thursday, July 01, 2004 at 7:03PM :
Not to beat a dead horse, but I post this everytime I see sand blasting and sheetmetal in the same thought. Sandblasting is OK for frames, period. It is destructive and harmful to both sheetmaetal and the lungs of people. I send my frames out, I blasted one once, it takes tons of sand, 14 CFM minimum and a lot of clean-up. I have a blast cabinet for "parts". Do not use sand, use a media for parts. Glass bead, plastic, aluminum oxide, walnut shells, etc. depending upon what you are blasting. A 22lb. bag of media used in a cabinet will last for several vehicles.