Posted by Paul(in NY) on Thursday, May 06, 2004 at 5:19PM :
In Reply to: FF Heater question... posted by Shon in Amarillo on Thursday, May 06, 2004 at 4:42PM :
I had the same problem. Remove the set screw, soak the end of the shaft and set screw hole in a good penetrating liquid.
Then, I took 2 pieces of electric fence wire and made a sling to hold the fan blade right next to the hub. Suspended, this was carrying all the weight of the heater. Then take a drift punch, have someone hold the wires and with the drift punch on the motor shaft, give it a few hits, NOT blasts. It will most likly fall right off. When you put it back on, coat the shaft with Never Seize. Worked for me on my PW and Carryall.
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