Posted by D Higgins/Northwoods Equip. LLC on Monday, March 22, 2004 at 8:13PM :
In Reply to: Re: Accident posted by Dana on Monday, March 22, 2004 at 11:53AM :
I realize that IF you turn left in front of someone and they hit you, it is obviously YOUR fault. BUT, something happened to me one time where I was turning left and absolutley NO ONE was coming in my direction. NO One, BUT just as I started turning left I slammed on my brakes in time for the motorcycle WHO WAS COMING AT ME, NOT hit me while I was turning. During this incident I was totally involved in my driving, not talking to anyone, no music, nothing. The cyclist blended PERFECTLY with the back ground. The shits is that it would have been MY fault IF we hit and that is NO FAIR because it is the cyclist risk when they drive that due to their make up, those things are likely to happen. Opinions?
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