Posted by Marty on Thursday, March 11, 2004 at 6:58PM :
In Reply to: OT bed liner recomendation posted by Steve Pellock on Thursday, March 11, 2004 at 5:39PM :
I got to tell you, I have a Rhino lining in my truck & I'd pay $1000 to have it removed if it were possible to have done without removing the paint.
Worst invention that has been invented for a bed lining in my opinion, followed closely by aftermarket under coatings.
The only thing that could be worse than spraying it in a bed would be spraying it on fenders or running boards!
I just had to replace the tailgate handle & to get the bolts out I had to destroy the rhino lining.
It's impossible to clean, It becomes very slippery when it gets oil on it, It doesn't make your bed any less prone to denting or rust since they rust from the bottom up, it looks like hell & the guy wanting to restore your truck 40 years down the road will be cursing your name in his nightmares!
Did I mention I hate this stuff?
I intend to install a different useful bedliner over top of this ugly useless one.
Even plywood is a better & more attractive looking option.
That's my humble opinion!