Posted by Chris Lube Lublin in Michigans Thumb on Thursday, March 11, 2004 at 2:45AM :
In Reply to: Warn hub problem, loss of 4X4 determined posted by George in NW Michigan on Wednesday, March 10, 2004 at 7:28PM :
Hey George:
I have had that happen to me a couple times. A Couple months back, I took my '92 Ford F-250 4X4 out back in almost 2 foot of snow. Bear in mind, this truck is a TANK in snow, the best snow Truck I have ever had. I was back there just playin around looking at things and such when all of the sudden, I come to a dead stop. I rock the truck back and forth several times to try and get out, but no go! Well, I shut the truck down, and walk up to get my neighbor. He takes his truck back there and pulls the Ford out. Well once the Ford is out, it moves a foot and gets stuck again! I am wondering whats up? Well I noticed this time, the front wheels were not moving. I look under, everything is intact, Ujoints, etc. So I go and check hubs, and the right front hub, the dial is 1/2 inch away from being in Full 'Lock' Position. Well, I unlock, then relock the hub, hop back in the truck and off I go, no problem!
On the same truck, last summer, I heard a noise from the front that sounded like a weedeater running. Turns out one of the hubs was half engaged.
Darn thos bad 4 Letter 'F' words anyhow...Thats what I get for not driving a DODGE!
Dodge Content:
The Cummins truck is in the garage undergoing a wiring transplant from the cab to the rear lights. I am re-wiring the whole darn thing and doing it up right. I miss my truck and hope to be rattin' down the road again shortly!
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