Posted by Paul(in NY) on Thursday, February 05, 2004 at 8:41PM :
In Reply to: Re: MoparNorm & Others posted by MoparNorm on Thursday, February 05, 2004 at 8:15PM :
You want to read some of the horror stories on the TDR. Follow the thread "Someone needs to buy Mexico a Torque Wrench" and a lot of others.
Closer to home, when my truck was assembled in 'Mexico' someone cross threaded the high presure hose going into the Power Steering Box. In doing so, they also cracked the threaded port. It was pushed out the door leaking. It went thru the ordering dealer, the dealer that got the truck for me, and was passed on to me BROKEN. I well on my way home before I ran out of PS fluid. Was towed off I-90 at Erie, PA. Forced to spend a night, dealer played with teflon tape. Sent me on my way, many more quarts of PS fluid I got home 805 miles. The local Dodge dealer could not get a pump.....207 on National back order. I took delivery of the truck on 12/15/2003, got home 12/16/03, 12/17/03 NO Pump National Back order, truck finally fixed January 2, 2004.
It sat DOA until Jan 2, 2004, I was crazy, many phone calls to DC. Everytime I looked out my shop windows, I saw a $45K truck belly up, not usable, just sitting.
Quality Control..........dont believe it. The truck was even delivered to me with outstanding safety programming recalls. Quality COntrol....dont believe it !!!
Now the truck runs great, I am VERY happy with it. But its no different than Ford or Chevy, they just pump them out the door. If your lucky you dont have problems.
And Yes, I am still in conference with DC for
all that unused time on a new vehicle. I was only 15 days from New York State Lemmon Law.
I was not going to mention this, but the quality issue relit my fuse which is still fizzing. I dont want to go into more details and will not answer any questions at this time.
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