Off-Topic, SoCal Fire Update

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Posted by MoparNorm on Tuesday, October 28, 2003 at 8:06AM :

An area half the size of Rhode Island has burned so far, Over 1,100 homes, 500,000 acres and a score of lives.
Resources are now pouring in from other states and the federal government, the winds have died down in most areas and the weather is changing for the good. However the fires are less than 30% contained. More misery to come.
Everyone should have a plan if they should ever be faced with a fire moving towards their home, family member evacuation plan, important documents and photos, pets and livestock, the rest can burn, it is replaceable, you and your loved ones are not replaceable.
One woman lost her husband in Vietnam, she raised 6 children on her own, her home burned last night, she lost every photo of her wedding and her and her husband together, but she and her family got out OK, they will re-build.

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