Posted by Paul(in NY) on Saturday, September 20, 2003 at 7:17PM :
In Reply to: Re: Spring u-bolts posted by Gordon Maney on Saturday, September 20, 2003 at 12:14PM :
The Fastenal Corporation has a wonderful document entittled " Fastenal Technical Reference Guide". Its 54 pages long and covers more about all types of fasteners than you will ever need to know. However one chapter deals with RE-USE of Fastners.
Here is 2 Quotes from that Chapter;
"The Bolt may be reused, provided you are absolutely certain the bolt never exceeded this point and began to yield. A simple enough defination but one that requires extensive explanation" and " Especially in criticle situations you should never reuse
a fastener unless you are certain the fastener has never yielded"
Check out the chapters on reuse and stretching.
The link below ill take you to the Fastenal
download page. Click on 'The Fastenal Technical Reference Guide' to down load the PDF file.
This is something we all should have access to when choosing and using fasteners.
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