Posted by MoparNorm on Friday, September 12, 2003 at 10:59PM :
In Reply to: Save me the torture of a reasoned response? posted by Sean on Friday, September 12, 2003 at 10:17PM :
Reason is exactly what is missing from liberal thinking, I assume that you like vintage trucks or you wouldn't be here. The socialist that you apparently support would take those choices away from us, supposedly justified by "saving" the environment. They want to ban off road travel on supposedly public lands. The want to regulate what and how and even (in CA) when we drive and how much mileage a vehicle must get. In CA they give drivers licenses to illegal aliens, regulate how many tax returns an accountant can file and believe that the answer to all our problems is tax, tax, tax. They hate America, hate the middle class, hate the fact that we are defending ourselves against muslum extremist and hate logic. Nothing is changed by your lack of a thought out response, that is why I asked to be spared. I see no facts, no evidence, in your reply, only what you think is an amusing comeback. If you want some serious discussion give me something that would disprove what I have stated, not some almost witty retort. Liberals are socialist, anti-American traitors, without an once of intellegent or original thought. Thank God, algore was not President when the attacks came. Come to think of it, liberal negotiations sure worked good to stop nuclear proliferation in North Korea didn't it?
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