Posted by Sean on Sunday, September 14, 2003 at 4:54AM :
In Reply to: You sure are wasting a lot of bandwidth.... posted by MoparNorm on Saturday, September 13, 2003 at 10:49PM :
I will try, one more time. A lack of a response prior to this only indicates I have had other things to do besides try to make one simple point as clear as I possibly can to you folks. It does not indicate I was “backed into a corner.” This is not a political debate, at least, not in my mind. It may be in Norms, but that is diametrically opposed to my only point.
I have not changed the subject. My point all along has been that this is the Dodge Power Wagon Forum, not the Forum for Political Invective. If you go back, and read my first lengthy post, you will see that. It is my only point. It has always been my point. I have had no other point. I have not deviated from that point. Read what I have posted, and you will see that.
All the dishwater I have posted about Vietnam this and Rush Limbaugh that and Mujahadin so forth and so on etc. was a sarcastic attempt to point out to Norm how he sounds, how “pleasant” it is to read his rants about California being such a rotten place to live and so forth. To pull his chain, rattle his cage, to show him how annoying it is to have to read someones opinion about a topic not related to Dodge Power Wagons. I deliberately chose a position opposite his to annoy him the way I am annoyed when I have to sift through someone elses rant about whatever it is they are fired up about that has nothing to do with Dodge Power Wagons. Or International Harvesters. Or REO's, or Osh Kosh's or Diamond T's or any of the tractors that crop up on this forum from time to time.
I used the same sarcastic approach earlier with S. Andersen when I talked about tarring and feathering. It’s SARCASM guys. I don’t WANT to debate you, or anyone else, on any given topic because THAT’S NOT WHAT THIS FORUM IS FOR.
If it’s childish to want to read about how to align the distributor up with the oil pump when you are putting it back on, or why the fenders have those D-shaped nuts holding them in place and how to get the buggers off, or why to use epoxy primer or any of a host of other topics dealing with the care and maintenance of Dodge Power Wagons, than I am childish. As far as wasting bandwith goes, Norm, you’re just as guilty. It takes two to tango as they say. You could drop the discussion at any point, as I will do after this post.
When I was a kid, my folks taught me that you didn’t discuss certain things in polite public conversation – politics, sex, religion, money, all the stuff apt to touch a sensitive spot and get folks irritated. That is what I would like from you folks. I don’t discuss politics here, I ask you to do the same. It’s getting so I can’t come to this forum and read something without having to wade through someone’s opinion about how the country’s going to hell in a hand basket and so forth. Okey, fine, it's going to hell in a hand basket. I don't care. I want to read about Dodge Power Wagons. Opinions are, well, you know what they say about opinions. Leave them at home or take ‘em somewhere else, unless they are an opinion on the best way to do something to your Dodge.
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