Posted by KenW on Friday, September 12, 2003 at 10:39AM :
In Reply to: Dodge 2004 Diesel Offering posted by Paul(in NY) on Thursday, September 11, 2003 at 10:53PM :
I've been watching this closely, as I want to buy the HO, but it's not offered in CA. As Randy stated, if it was legally registered out of state and has >7500 miles on it, you can register it in CA.
A fleet manager in Portland tells me to hang on a little longer. He claims that the roadblock in CA is a state ordinance that expires Dec. 31, 03, upon which the standards with revert to the Federal regs.
If that's true, I'll be ordering in Nov.
I've considered the option of buying one with an out of state friend, but if "caught" the fees can be substantial. I'd rather do it straight up.
Don't know what the deal is in other states.