Posted by dave horvath on Friday, August 29, 2003 at 7:15PM :
Need help getting rebuilt flathead running again. Oil pump and distributor have both been out without marking block. Engine ran really rough and backfired, with bluish smoke coming from carb. Oil pump leaked oil from hole in casting and distibutor had wrong cap. Replaced faulty oil pump and got correct distributor cap.
When #1 piston is at TDC, rotor doesn't seem to line up with any plug in cap. Tried loosening screw in distributor housing (major adjustment) and rotating distributor till a plug in cap is above rotor. Tried minor adjustment at timing flange. Still no go.
A friend showed me an old Motors manual which says line up oil pump shaft with mounting bolt holes, then rotate counterclockwise to take up backlash and insert with #1 at TDC. Then, I assume you insert distributor shaft into oil pump and everything should line up. Is this right? Any other hints or tips? Thanks!
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